Week 1 Day 1 Glutes
5 steps

DB Hip Thrust


12 Repetitions


Step 1

Place a chair, bench, low table, aerobic step, or whatever you have at home so that it is secured – against a wall. You can use your couch as well.
Position your back against the chair/bench/couch, etc., so that the bottoms of your shoulder blades are in line with the chair’s (or the other mentioned) edge.

Step 2

Now you have to set you up for the perfect execution of the exercise. As you are seated, extend your hips until your thighs and torso are roughly parallel to the floor. From this position, adjust your feet until your shins are roughly vertical (shins and thighs are at 90-degree angle). You might prefer to place your feet closer or further from your glutes (you will feel the movement in different muscles). You can also choose to spread your feet wider or narrower, it’s about which way you feel your glutes the most. This is the set up for the exercise.

Step 3

Now that we have the right set up, get back on the floor with your body already positioned the best way. This time, place a dumbbell on your hips and hold it with your hands at both ends.

Step 4

Tuck your chin towards your chest, brace your core, keep your eyes looking forward, squeeze your glutes, drive through your heels and extend at the hips until they are roughly parallel to the floor. Try not to hyperextend your lower back. Don’t try to bring your butt up, instead imagine that you want to “pull” your butt towards your knees and rotate your pelvis.

Step 5

Hold the top position and squeeze hard your glutes for a second, then lower yourself back.
Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.