Week 1 Day 4 Chest
4 steps

Wide grip push-ups


12 Repetitions


Step 1

Lie on the floor face down in a quadruped position but place your hands wider than in a regular push-up (twice-shoulder-width apart).
Extend one leg at a time and assume a pushup position with the legs straight, elbows extended, and head in a neutral position looking at the floor. The starting position of the push-up is basically a plank position, so all the rules apply here – your head, neck, spine, hips, knees, ankles should be in a straight line. Shoulders, elbows and wrists are also aligned.

Step 2

Lower yourself downward until your chest almost touches the floor. Don’t let your hips sag or the opposite – don’t lift your butt.

Step 3

After a brief pause, press your upper body back up to the starting position while squeezing your chest.

Step 4

Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.
If this exercise is too hard for you, start off from your knees and do as many reps as you can. Progress over time to a regular push-up.