Training Frequency:

If you are total newbie and you haven’t exercised before, start with 3 workouts per week. (for example Monday, Wednesday, Friday will be a great option.)
If you are intermediate (you have certain experience at the gym or home workouts), train 3 to 5 days, depending on how you are feeling. We recommend to go for 4 at the beginning and see how it goes.
If you are experienced and working out is not new for you, train 5 to 6 times a week, as 6 is the absolute maximum! You should always have at least 1 day off!

Overall recommendations:

You should have at least 1 full day off from training in which to give your body and mind full rest – sleep, do yoga, take a walk, get some recovery procedures such as massage, sauna, stretching, rehabilitation, etc.
In the other rest days, do some low intensity cardio (elliptical, stationary bike, treadmill, walk in the park). 20-60 minutes depending on your level and how well you’re feeling.
If you want to lose even more fat, you can include cardio exercises after your workouts – start at 20 minutes and upgrade depending on your level.The intensity should be low – you should be able to talk during your cardio.
We would like to point out that working out is only 1 part of the equation. To have the best results, combine training with a calorie-restricted meal plan.